Two glasses of white wine toasting

Yes, Hazel is a real person with real quotes.

The matriarch whose vibrant spirit and unwavering devotion to our family shaped the legacy we honor today. She was a Grandma, one would say the best Grandma (doesn’t everyone say that about their Grandma!! lol ). She was high energy, quirky, never slept really, smoked ciggies till the early dawn, but was the absolute rock of our family. The gentle guide whom I learned so much from, but a force to be reckoned with if you acted out, lol. She LOVED, LOVED a lot, she did everything for our family. She had a wonderful life, impacted many in the community, and passed at the age of 83.

About Hazel

Who was Hazel? She was elegant when she wanted to be, a roll up her sleeves and get dirty gardener, made peanut brittle all year around and gave it to everyone in town, she loved playing bingo, and bridge… lastly, when things got difficult or a learning moment ensued, she would always say, “wield the axe” which meant to her to use your inner power to always be moving forward in life.


As you indulge in the richness of these wines, let the flavors and the story behind this remarkable woman inspire you to go beyond what you think is imaginable for yourself. These wines are not only a testament to Hazel's extraordinary life but also a reminder to live with passion, grace, and an unwavering commitment to those who mean the most. Invest in yourself and write your own story, the world is yours!